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Each age group is assigned a Nursery Nurse who, on a daily basis, will inform you or pass on details of your child’s day at nursery. Parents of Babies (0-2 yrs.) and Tweenies (2-3yrs) are given a ‘Daily Report Sheet’ which can also be used by parents to communicate information to the nursery.


Regular newsletters are issued to parents that include forth coming events, links with home and the policy of the month.


There are two formal parents evenings with appointment times that take place each year in March and November for all children at the nursery. There is also an informal cheese and wine evening that all parents are encouraged to attend in May. At all of these evenings parents are encouraged to discuss all aspects of their child’s care with the group worker as well as any aspect about the nursery in general. Regular PLP/Care Plan and Planning evenings/days take place at the nurseries so parents can have input in to their children’s individual plans.


Daily activities and routines are displayed on the main nursery notice board.


It would be helpful to our staff and beneficial to your child if the following requests were met:

Please update yourselves regularly with notices on the main notice board as well as the notice board displayed for each age group.  You may be asked to temporarily provide an item from home relating to a current topic.


Please inform a senior member of staff if there are any important changes at home.  This information will be treated with complete discretion.


Parents are asked to ensure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with the child’s name.

Please ensure the nursery has your current email address so newsletters etc… can be emailed to you.


Ensuring Quality


Parents are encouraged to complete regular ‘Quality Questionnaires’ all of which are copied to Head Office and the company Directors.  Each nursery has a suggestion box at the reception where parents can give ideas and managers then feedback the outcomes through notice boards or in the newsletters.


We value our staff and encourage them to give input into the company and nurseries. We encourage our employees to do this through ‘Staff Questionnaires’, these are sent to Head Office. The findings are then fed back to each Nursery Manager to discuss with their staff.


The importance of Staff Development within the company ensures that all staff are given the opportunity to attend a wide range of training seminars as well as formal training.

Peripatetic Management Staff are employed to support local Managers, measure Quality and swap good practice within our centres as well as manage Quality Assurance, Curricular Issues, Liaison with Local Authorities, Health and Safety and the general smooth running of the company.


The Care Inspectorate (SCSWIS) is the independent scrutiny and improvement body for care and children’s services. The Care Inspectorate regulate, inspect and support the improvement of care.


Inspections are unannounced and nurseries are graded (on a 6 point scale) in the following Quality Themes:-


•Quality of Care and Support

•Quality of Environment

•Quality of Staff

•Quality of Management

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